Adecco Kick-off

Launch event Smartline 8

Inauguration New Facility - Lighting up Artwork

Laser Mapping of Stage

Battle of the Golden Spurs, Flemish Holiday July 11th

Special Olympics 2013, Ghent, Belgium

Marriage proposal

Laserbeams over Antwerp, Belgium

Show for new DS car showroom

Water and smoke screens

Inauguration Wezenberg pool

Laserprojections reinforce videoprojection.

Internetprovider AWASR introduced the first fibreoptic High Speed Internetconnection in Gulfstate OMAN during a spectacular event in the capital Masqat.

For this event, organised by The Planners (Doha) in cooperation with Belgian AoE,  multilayered projections screens provided an unsurpassed 3D experience for the audience.

Lasershow Belgium designed the laserprojections in such a way that they enhanced the 3D experience of the viewers.  We used high-end laserprojectors to map images onto the videoprojection (both front and rear) and onto the stage decor.  

The audience clearly enjoyed the show and afterwards both the audience and all professionals agreed that this kind of laserprojection opens up new possibilities and opportunities in our business.


If you're looking for that extra 'kick' in your next company event try this !

Lasershow Belgium pimps 'boring' slide-shows into spectacular multimedia-events.

Event agency Goosebumps (Ghent, Belgium) contacted us for a Launch Event of the Smartline 8 range of window and door profiles by Reynaers Aluminium.  In cooperation with AoE (Belgium) and with the 'Keep it Smart and Simple' (K.I.S.S.) catchphrase in mind we created a beautiful multimedia synced lasershow for Reynaers' cliënts.  

Visitors got to see a overwhelming show on 5 special projection lasers using the latest techniques like mapping and masking of laserprojections on videoprojection reinforced by impressive laserbeam effects towards them.  

A special transparant projection canvas combined with a delicately lighted piece of aluminium artwork (KISS) gave the impression that projections were floating in mid-air in front of the audience.

Already during rehearsals the Reynaers' project leaders congratulated us with a great show !

On the 10th of Juli in Merksem there was a celebration of the day of the Flemish community (juli 11). The party was held at castle Bouckenborgh. Because of environmental aspects, the mayor decided to skip the traditional fireworks and to look for other possibilities ,without fearful animals because of the loud popping, without air pollution, without fire hazard. We worked out a stylish laser spectacle, together with the municipal services. There were projections on the castle showing the emergence of the day of the Flemish community, the battle of the Golden Spurs,... folowed by animations on tidbits in Merksem. 

Another challenge for the Lasershow Belgium team was the opening of Antwerp's new Olympic training pool Wezenberg II.

The new pool was exclusively constructed for training sessions of Belgium's finest swimmers in a new building right next to the existing public swimmingpool.  Because there is no room in the new building to seat all the invited celebreties the inauguration had to take place in the other 'public' pool.  So how to include the new pool in the show ?  

During a few long nights lasereffects and swimmers were videorecorded by our collegues of Mediamixer.  This resulted in a beautiful, artistic montage of images and special FX of the new pool which was then projected by a high power videoprojector during the actual live laser/light show.  The montage was re-synced in the live-show while the same swimmers and a diverteam took part in an exiting finale !

Again, Lasershow Belgium's show was highly acclaimed by the audience and organisation ! 


This time we worked for the international renowned company Deltalight, specialized in lighting, that opened new industrial buildings and a showroom in Moorslede (B).  To celebrate the cooperation between the father and his 2 sons we lightened up a 3-sided piramide with 2 laserbeams. With a special filter we were mimicking the working of a prisma by letting the laserbeams come out of the piramide, split in all their colors. During the whole of the event we projected among other things 3D drawings of the most succesfull light fixtures of Deltalight.