Launch Event Smartline8 gives goosebumps

16. 06. 14
Hits: 3070

If you're looking for that extra 'kick' in your next company event try this !

Lasershow Belgium pimps 'boring' slide-shows into spectacular multimedia-events.

Event agency Goosebumps (Ghent, Belgium) contacted us for a Launch Event of the Smartline 8 range of window and door profiles by Reynaers Aluminium.  In cooperation with AoE (Belgium) and with the 'Keep it Smart and Simple' (K.I.S.S.) catchphrase in mind we created a beautiful multimedia synced lasershow for Reynaers' cliĆ«nts.  

Visitors got to see a overwhelming show on 5 special projection lasers using the latest techniques like mapping and masking of laserprojections on videoprojection reinforced by impressive laserbeam effects towards them.  

A special transparant projection canvas combined with a delicately lighted piece of aluminium artwork (KISS) gave the impression that projections were floating in mid-air in front of the audience.

Already during rehearsals the Reynaers' project leaders congratulated us with a great show !